For the last year has been my English teacher, but now she is leaving.
(This is a unique blog, not only because it is in English, but also it is the only one not blocking the faces of other people in it. Please let my father know if you have problems with this, he’ll change the picture of you and/or your son or daughter directly, as we like to respect peoples privacy)
I’m very sad about this, as we became close and she taught me well!
Liana, thank you for all your lessons, songs and fun. Really hope you enjoy London, but if you ever want to come back, do you want to be my teacher?
About 25 parents took time off to come to school at 13:00 sharp, to say good bye to Liana.
When they came in we were sining.
And the last numbers…
We all were having fun, just until the formal part started, and than we had to face the final goodbye. We tried to fight our tears as hard as we could, just happy to know that she will be here an other week… Time to get used to the this new idea.
Everybody made something for Liana, this is my pottery.
As always, Anneke took lead in explaining what is going to happen.
And we, as always, listen respectably.
Until… just until she said the word: bring your present to Liana!
And in spite of the sad situation, I kept it as fun as possible, see my smile?
Casa isnt’ Casa if we did not think about the other teachers too. So… They all were thanked and given presents of course.
Look mam, that is me!
This is the big goodbye-speech of Liana.
Of which a small part was filmed by daddy.
Together with our parents we all created some nice presents, based on tea (she is English) and our own pottery. We hope you en