“But, what if… it is possible?”

Name M. Delcour MScBA BEng ECBS
First name Miguel
Date of Birth 28 April 1975
Place of Birth Hilversum
Nationality Dutch
Sex male
Marital status married
Children Chloé (2011) & Sylvain (2013)
Address Pruisisch blauw 2
Zip code 2718 KL
City / Country Zoetermeer / the Netherlands
Phone +31621278277
E-mail address info@firminenterprise.nl
E-mail address (private) miguel@delcour.nl
URL www.firminenterprise.nl
URL (private) www.delcour.nl

As experienced strategist and Firm simplifier™, I have an interdisciplinary focus. As (interim) director/board member I am at my best in complex, new and/or changing (international) environments, because I like to simplify matters. By focussing on the professionalisation of business-management, strategy, change management and (financial) process management itself within both profit and non-profit, I thrive within (politically) administrative environments. I quickly oversee complex issues and easily win people over to change by showing them the logic of behaviour, by which I provide sustainable and well-founded practical solutions. With strong social involvement and a high EQ my approach is professional and tactful, but always humane and with humour; i.e. good stakeholder management. I am strong both verbally and in written form and –as creative quick-thinker– come up with prompt specific decisions.

2020 – present: General Manager, Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI).
PP&L accountability of € 3.5 million, 28 employees and ± 17,000 engineering members and subscribers.

2005 – present: Firm simplifier | owner, Firm in Enterprise™.
Interim-management, consultancy, facilitation & coaching for profit and non profit.
As Firm simplifier I support firms in business management, strategy, change management and (financial) process management.

2008 – present: Marketing/Sales director & Concept creator | owner, Anniething®.
Import, sourcing and trade focused on Asia.
Elaborating (end) customer needs into promotional business concepts. Acquisition, sales and purchasing of demand-driven goods for the proposed concepts. Acquisition of sourcing orders for purchases in Asia. Produce DTP, graphical design and artwork for proposed concepts.

2019 – 2020: Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Association of Printing and Allied Industries (KVGO).
Employers’ association printed media.
Overall responsibility for the organisation, organisational renewal and representation of the industry. P&L accountability of € 3 million, 15 employees, ± 800 company members.

2011 – 2018: Franchisee | owner, NationExpat.com.
Digital web-platform for expat-entrepreneurs in 80+ countries.
Concept creation, content and technique of the platform for BrazilExpat.com. Manage writers & ICT-team (1,5 FTE) and expand to BeneluxExpat.com. Realise strategy for franchise platform of 87 countries.

2010 – 2016: General Manager | Co-owner, Firm2Find.
GPS solutions for global finding of people, pets and belongings.
Responsible for strategy, finance, ICT, legal, international sales, member (technical) R&D-team.
Strategy- and concept creation for global finding and realising App2Find (>650k downloads).
Responsible for technical development Tool2Find, setup team of 6 people. Realisation of an investment of € 150k, setup international distribution network, realisation of B2C-channel (www.gpstrackshop.com).

2004 – 2005: Organisational renewal consultant, MWP Advies.
Consultancy for businesses, government and healthcare.
Several consultancy projects.

2023 – present: Strategy Board-member of Technical University Delft Extension School.
2023 – present: Mentor at RSM Mentorme.
2022 – present: Mediator politicians and board members of  VVD Region Zuid-Holland (Dutch Liberal Party).
2021 – present: Board Member The Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT).
2020 – present: Board Member PAO Techniek en Management (Post Academic Education Technique & Management).
2017 – present: Start-up coach, Qredits Microfinancing the Netherlands.
2017 – present: Executive Board-member and Treasurer Dutch Montessori Association.
2017 – 2023: Chairman of the Association for Craft Bookbinders.
2016 – 2022: Treasurer VVD Region ‘Zuid-Holland’ (Dutch Liberal Party).
2019 – 2020: Steering Committee Member Intergraf.
2019 – 2020: Working Group Member Social Dialog Intergraf.
2019 – 2020: Treasurer Stichting A&O Fons Grafimedia.
2019 – 2020: Member of the employers’ council, PGB Pensioendiensten.
2017 – 2017: Lecturer International Business, Marketing & Business coach (parttime) EuroCollege Management School.
2016 – 2019: Chairman Selection Committee Advisory Council Social Domain Zoetermeer.
2015 – 2015: Chairman of the supervisory board Nostram foundation.
2015 – 2016: Secretary Firm2Find investment cooperation.
2013 – 2013: Chairman Committee VVD-election program council 2014-2018.
2013 – 2013: Chairman of the supervisory board Aisa NU health foundation.
2012 – 2012: Member campaign team Ard van der Steur, member of the Duch Parlement, as from 2015 Minister of Justice.
2011 – 2015: Chairman of the supervisory board Clementia Health Group, The Hague. (Chairman since May 2013).
2010 – 2011: Member strategic campaign-team VVD City Council elections Province ‘Zuid-Holland’.
2009 – 2010: Campaign manager Municipal elections VVD Zoetermeer (Dutch Liberal Party).
2008 – 2015: Thesis supervisor for (international) students of IVA-Driebergen Business School.
2008 – 2014: Lecturer International Business (part-time) 3rd year students IVA-Driebergen Business School.
2008 – 2008: Lecturer Logistics & Workflow management, Staf & Kader – Stivako
2007 – 2016: Chairman VVD Zoetermeer (Dutch Liberal Party) (Chairman as of 2010).
2007 – 2010: Committee Member at Economic Committee VVD (Dutch Liberal Party).
2007 – 2007: Lecturer Economics, Logistics & Management – Stivako.
2006 – 2016:
Chairman Selection Committee ‘WMO Participation Committee’ of the Municipality Zoetermeer.
2006 – 2008: Member of the advice Committee SHS (tenant association).
2003 – 2006: Member of the Supervisory Board Stadswonen Rotterdam (stopped due to emigration).
2002 – 2003: Chairman of the Council meetings SHS (tenant association).
2001 – 2002: Founder / treasurer for SHS (tenant association).
2000 – 2003: Chairman Pressure Group ‘Schouders van Zuid’, tenants student / guesthouse.
2000 – 2003: Caretaker for housing complex ’t Leidsche Veem & International Guesthouse Rotterdam.
1997 – 1998: Chairman of the Study Union ‘Corps ’87’.
1997 – 1998: Member of the Advisory Board Small Enterprise ‘Plexilon’.
1995 – 1996: General Manager / Founder Small Enterprise ‘G.L. Graphics’.

2024 – present: Short university-program storytelling and Concepting, LOI.

2016: Executive Chartered Business Strategist, Canadian Business Strategy Association (ECBS).

2000 – 2003: Business Administration, RSM Erasmus University (MScBA).
Major: Strategic management. Minor: International wheeling & dealing.
Minor: International wheeling & dealing.
Thesis: “Reviewing the Resource Allocation Process of Strategy”.

1996 – 2000: Industrial Engineering, Avans University Tilburg (BEng).
Major: Marketing.
Internship: Hangzhou CRON Industrial & Trading Co.,Ltd., China.
Thesis: “De kranten samendrukken”, PcM Uitgevers NV, Rotterdam.

1996: Young Enterprise Europe Examination, University of Oxford (graduated).

1992 – 1996: Printing techniques and allied trades, Media College Amsterdam (graduated).
Internship: Buhrman – Tetterode, Amsterdam.

1987 – 1992: High School, Alberdingk Thijm College Hilversum (graduated).

“De leden maken de vereniging” (De Ingenieur 12-05-2021)
“KIVI-directeur Miguel Delcour: ‘kom met vraagstukken'” (Verkeerskunde, 01-03-2021)
“Altijd over de schutting blijven kijken” (Pomp, 03-12-2020)
“Miguel Delcour benoemd als directeur” (Streekblad 29-10-2020
“Meet Miguel Delcour, the chief executive of KVGO”
 (Intergraf, 02-01-2020)
“Folderruzie verspreidt zich als olievlek over het land” (Distrifood, 14-12-2019)
“Kennismaking met de nieuwe KVGO directeur” (Printmedianieuws-site 25-01-2019)
“Miguel Delcour volgt Fons Bakkes op als directeur” (Kernn 18-12-2018)
“Een nieuwe voorzitter!” (Handboekbinden dec. 2017)
“Nieuw ambachtelijk elan voor het handboekbinden” (Printmedianieuws-site 17-12-2017)
“Nieuwe voorzitter Stichting Handboekbinden” (Graficus-site 13-12-2017)
Aanval op Europa” (Graficus, January 2014).
“Automatisering staat niet op zich” (Graficus, December 2009).
“Prijzen drukken in het Verre Oosten” (Print Matters, November 2008).
“Chinese druk neemt toe” (Graficus, November 2008).
“Het onbesproken gevaar, China’s organisatorische (r)evolutie” (Graficus, July 2006).
“Direct mail is verspilling” (Graficus, June 2006 & Grafisch Nieuws (Belgium) September 2006).
“Liegen dat het gedrukt staat” (Graficus, April 2006 & Grafisch Nieuws (Belgium) October 2006).
“Chinese voet tussen de deur”
(Graficus, March 2006).
“Van communisme naar concurrentie” (Graficus, March 2006).
“De klein offsetdrukkerij als volcontinubedrijf”
(Pers, no. 16, year 12, 1999).
“Elk jaar spitsroeden lopen bij de baas”
(Pers, no. 10, year 12, 1999).
“Stage-ervaring in het buitenland: ‘Bericht uit China’”
(CorpsCourant, no.2, year 7, 1999).

All publications can be found here.

2013 – present: Emergency Response Officer (ERO).
2010 – present: Registered Lecturer, Registration for the Centre for Post Initial Education the Netherlands.
2013 – 2022: First-aider for Baby’s and Children.
2018: Training legal and financial conditions EU-subsidy Horizon 2020, Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
2014: Licensed forklift driver (German-) (max. 2,5 ton).
2012: Press/media-training for politician, Parliamentarian Ard van der Steur.
2010: Vocal training / voice-coaching for optimal usage of the voice.
2009: Executive training course ‘Political Skills’, Haya van Somerenstichting.
2008: 1st Prize ‘Best Debater’, ‘Debate on a higher level’, Dutch Debate Institute.
2008: Course ‘The view of Process management’, Koss Institute.
2008: Workshop “Mergers, the inadequacy of consultants”, Ooa.
2007: Course ‘Discussion techniques, Meeting techniques & Liberal values’, Haya van Sommerenstichting.
2007: Workshop ‘Creator’, New Shoes Today.
2006: Workshop ‘Facilitating in different styles’, IAF-Benelux.
2005: Master class ‘Doing Business in China’ Prof. dr. G. Redding.
2004: Master class ‘Operations Management’ Ir. J.M. van de Wiel.
2000: Retailers certificate.

English, fluent
German, adequate
Mandarin, basic and studying

ICT knowledge:  Windows | Mac OS | iWork | MS Office 365 | Exact: E-Finance & E-Project | Exact Online | Merses | Corsa | Peoplesoft | iTaskX | Photoshop | Illustrator | Magister | Mindjet MindManager | Achievo | Skype | iMovie | WordPress | Youtube | Afas

General: blogger | family man | news junk | politic nerd | culinair sensualist | docu- and filmfreak | social media expert | photo- and vlog-editor| managementbook reader | logic-lover | inspirator | simplifier

References and project details
Available upon request.

MNC, Large-scale enterprise and SME:

Interim General Manager EMEAR – CRON Europe GmbH
General Manager – Firm2Find.
Strategy consultant – 20one productions.
Consultant and coach business administration, marketing & strategy – Notebooktotaal.nl.
Process consultant product-development – Plato PC & Tellamessage
Facilitator and trainer workshop ‘New creativity for chances and changes’ – Dravik group
Mediator employment contract – Rodin Dental Clinic
Keynote speaker and innovator district meeting industry organization – KVGO
Trainer Theory of Constraints – Thieme Group
Supervisor company takeover – Toko Yip
Journalist for various magazines concerning doing business in/with China for the printing industry – Graficus
Consultant Strategy & marketing for media & publishing – GlobalDutch
Interim Project Leader ISO certification – KOAC-NPC
Developer digital business game – MWP Advice
Project Leader analysis of logistic processes of article flows – Westland Orthopaedics
Project leader development of a software package for formation calculation – MWP advice
Researcher combining production processes – PCM Uitgeverij, Dagbladunie
Consultant Process Optimalization – HOFI Furniture (China)
Organizational advice, process supervision, CE- description and international sales – CRON (China)
Scenario advice concerning strategic options – Schut Superflex

Educational institutes, Consulting and Research firms:

Treasurer – Dutch Montessori Association.
Lecturer International Business & Marketing, Business coach – EuroCollege
Feasibility study and funding invention new combustion engine ‘No Stroke Engine’.
Interim Project Controller – ROC Zeeland.
Participant IPC3 (Innovation Performance Contract) – World of Papier & Firm in Enterprise™.
Lecturer Successful coaching – Institute for Financial Management, Rotterdam University.
Lecturer International Business, (IVA University Driebergen) Institute for Automotive & Management
Lecturer Operations Management, Mini-master, Business School Nederland
Motivator and guest lecturer Career Seminar, Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht / Avans University.
Lecturer Culture, Quality & Creativity, Business School Nederland.
Lecturer Logistics & Workflow Management, Staff & Executive, Stivako.
Guest lecturer Operations Management at Grotius pre-university, Delft.
Interim manager Process Design, Shared Service Centre & reorganization, ROC Zadkine.
Lecturer Economics & Logistics, Media Management, Stivako.
Translation and improvement of MBA-course Operations Management, MJK Instituutti.
Guest lecturer “Marge does matter” – Avans University.

Healthcare Institutes:

Developer and Consultant of Financial and Management Information Systems – Blijfgroep
System developer of a Reporting system – Women’s Refuge Zaanstreek, Flevoland & Amsterdam
Trainer public tender – Mee Twente
Consultant and Facilitator Financial Quarterly Reports – Women’s Refuge, Flevoland & Amsterdam
Consultant and Facilitator Waiting Lists & Quarterly Reports – Women’s Refuge Amsterdam
Project Leader Reorganization Output Funding – Women’s Refuge Amsterdam
Developer Cost System – SMO Breda & Valkenhorst
Developer Financial Calculation Model – SMO Breda & Valkenhorst
Project Leader and Consultant Implementation Output Funding AWBZ (health law) – SMO Breda & Valkenhorst.
Developer and Trainer Course Internal Auditing HKZ – RAV AZG (ambulance service)

Corporations, Foundations, Associations Alliances, NGO’s & not-for-profit:

General Manager, Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI).
Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Association of Printing and Allied Industries (KVGO).
Consultant renewal of organisation structure – Dutch Montessori Association.
Researcher and participant sounding board NDiV trade agreement – Syntens & KVGO.
Keynote speaker at formal signing of the NDiV trade agreement – Syntens & KVGO.
Speaker workshop: “Doing business in China: especially now!” – CoC Rotterdam & Guanxi.nu.
Consultant to the Supervisory Board – Stadswonen.
Consultant Strategic Vision – GTSC (Printing Technology Study Club).
Guest speaker “Adapting to Globalization” – GTSC (Printing Technology Study Club).
Consultant & respondent Supervisory Board – Stadswonen.
Process manager and consultant Supervisory Board and Board of Directors – Stadswonen.
Facilitator, Speaker and Debate chairman “Doing business in and with China” – CMBO.
Guest Speaker “Globalization in relation to China” – GTSC (Printing Technology Study Club).
Facilitator and consultant strategy conference – Refugee Foundation Delft.
Developer and facilitator Work Conference strategic vision development – POB group.

(Local) Government:

Chairman selection committee “Social Domain committee” – Municipality Zoetermeer.
Debate chairman and organizer of a political café with Hans Spekman – VVD / PvdA
Debate chairman and organizer first public and media show of Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) after renegotiation.
Debate chairman and organizer national debate top-5 candidates – 5 largest parties VVD, PvdA, CDA, D66 & SP.
Debate chairman and organizer of a political café with Jeanine Hennis Plasschaert – VVD
Debate chairman and organizer of a political café with Mark Harbers – VVD
Debate chairman and organizer of a political café with Ard van der Steur – VVD
Debate chairman for the Top Candidate’s Debate European Elections 2009 – CDA/PvdA/VVD
Facilitator Future Outlook of the municipality of Zwijndrecht
Facilitator PR & communication conference for a political organization the Netherlands
Financial consultant and scenario advice for project History Canon – Anno foundation
Chairman selection Committee “WMO participation Committee” of Zoetermeer
Consultant, panel chairman and organizer of a politic debate of the (Dutch) Lower Chamber – Groen Links Leiden
Debate chairman and organizer of a political debate between Sharon Gesthuizen & Charlie Aptroot – SP / VVD
Debate chairman and organizer of a political debate between Jan Pronk & Onno Hoes – Pvda / VVD
Debate chairman and organizer of a political café with Mark Rutte – VVD
Debate chairman and organizer of a political debate between Chantal Gill’ard en Arend Jan Boekestijn – PvdA / VVD
Consultant, facilitator and policy writer – GGD Nederland (Public Health Service)


Oct 2020 – present: Chief Executive Officer | Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers.
General management of the organisation, organisational renewal, strategy implementation, change, membership services and representation of engineers.

Mar 2005 – present: Firm simplifier | Owner – Firm in Enterprise
Interim-management & consultancy, professionalize business management, strategy, change and (financial) process management. See below for all projects.

Feb 2008 – present: Concept creator | Marketing/Sales director | owner – Anniething®
Import, sourcing and trade company of inter alia gifts and premiums focused on Asia.
Elaborating (end) customer needs into promotional business concepts. Acquisition, sales and purchasing of demand-driven goods for the proposed concepts. Acquisition of sourcing orders for purchases in the Far East. Produce DTP, graphical design and artwork for proposed concepts.

Feb 2019 – Apr 2020: Chief Executive – Royal Dutch Association of Printing and Allied Industries (KVGO)
Employers’ association printed media, general management of the organisation, organisational renewal. P&L-responsibility of € 3m., a staff of 15 and ± 800 company-members.

Jul 2011 – Jan 2018: NationExpat.com – Owner
Digital web-platform for expat-entrepreneurs in 80+ countries.
Concept creation, content and technique of the platform for BrazilExpat.com. Manage writers & ICT-team (1,5 FTE) and expand to BeneluxExpat.com. Realize strategy for franchise platform of 87 countries.

Aug 2017 – Sep 2018: Consultant renewal of organisation structure – Dutch Montessori Association
Consult, guide and implement a new association structure and articles of association and organisation structure. Also build the new financial administration, housing and hire an official secretary.

Apr 2017 – Apr 2018: Part-time sabbatical – Home/Office
A period where I limited my working activities to trade, consultancy and voluntary work. Some time for myself and some extra attention for our kids and the loss of my father.

Jan 2017 – Apr 2017: Lecturer International Business & Marketing, Business coach (1 day a week) – EuroCollege Management School
For the accelerated students (4 years in 2 years) for intermediate vocational education and bachelor students this school was looking for experienced international entrepreneurs with specific knowledge of international trade, import and export, marketing, social responsibility and innovation.
Provide classes on International Business and Marketing, and coach students as Business coach with their doing and writing their export plan.

Jun 2015: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Frank van Kappen

Mar 2015 – Dec 2016: Feasibility study and funding invention new combustion engine – No Stroke Engine
The inventor of a new combustion engine got stuck putting the invention into operation and asked me to do a feasibility study to the working of his invention as well as find funding for a prototype. If the research is positive, also putting it into operation is part of the request. Search for parties that can endorse the working of the invention, search for funding partners and run the company if the research is successful.

Dec 2014: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Hans Spekman

Sep 2013 – Apr 2014: General Manager EMEAR a.i. (Düsseldorf, Germany) – CRON Europe GmbH
Top 3 largest manufacturer of pre-press (CTP) machines. No. 1 in Asia.
Responsible for the organization and management of the European headquarters of the Chinese manufacturer. Responsible for international sales through dealers in the region: Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia and Central Asia (125 countries). Responsible for logistics, logistic facilities (approximately 800m2), assembly/repair an international team of 20 people in China and Germany and the 53 dealers. Total P&L responsibility of € 9 million, direct accountable to the owner. Result: very successful, logistics flow completed successfully, contracted existing dealers, expanded the number of distributors with 35% and solved the existing cultural and communication problems with some existing dealers.

Nov 2012: Organizer and debate chairman first outing Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s new coalition

Oct 2011 – Aug 2012: Developer App2Find
Research and develop (externally) a smartphone application for iOS and Android for finding people, pets and belongings (>650.000 downloads).

Jun 2012: Debate chairman and organizer of the national political debate of the top 5 parties

Jan 2011 – Sep 2013: Process consultant product-development – Plato PC & Tellamessage
Two firms worked together in the de development of two new products. To make their development on paper real, they need help with the complete process of sourcing, technical specifications, management, production, purchase of components, pre-production, etc. The counsel entails the complete process of development up to customs clearance. Process-counsel of development, production and transport from The Far East. Managing the process including all aspects of sourcing, documentation, process-management, etc. The assignment contains a total two different products.

Jan 2012: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Jeanine Hennis – Plasschaert

Nov 2011: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Mark Harbers

Jun 2011: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Ard van der Steur

Jun 2011 – Nov 2011: Strategy development – 20one productions
Consulting and developing the strategy for the film production company 20one.

May 2011: Adviseur en coach bedrijfsvoering, marketing en strategie – Notebooktotaal.nl
Consulting and coaching the owner in marketing and strategy of the owner of the retail-website Notebooktotaal.nl

Dec 2010 – Jun 2012: Participant and researcher national research printing industry – Stivako – Firm in Enterprise™
Joint research into the history of the printing industry, it’s previous inaccurate predictions and a new revised prediction of the future of the printing industry.

Sep 2010 – Sep 2016: Firm2Find – General Manager
GPS solutions for global finding of people, pets and belongings.
Responsible for strategy, finance, ICT, legal, international sales, member (technical) R&D-team.
Strategy- and concept creation for global finding and realizing App2Find. Responsible for technical development Tool2Find, setup team of 6 people. Realization of an investment of € 150k, setup international distribution network, realization of B2C-channel (GPSTrackShop.com)

Jan 2010 – May 2010: Interim Project Controller – ROC Zeeland
ROC Zeeland’s financial situation was perceptibly deteriorating due to changes in the incoming financial flows and growing costs. To change this situation a better insight in all the financial flows was necessary. The three separate financial flows that ROC Zeeland used in the execution of teaching were utilized as one. This did not give enough and/or correct management information for a positif execution of all programs. Besides the disentanglement of the financial income-flows ‘earmarked funds’, ‘subsidy funds’ and ‘commercial funds’, there was a great financial risk as ROC Zeeland was not able to give account for the received funds, possibly resulting in repayment of large parts of those funds. After disentangling the funds and having scrutinized the financial risks, new policies were framed, the digital financial data needed to be computerized into automated systems and was linked to different operating digital platforms. New and complete management information as a result helped to interpret the financial risks and enabled giving account for separate financial flows. This complicated wide-ranging financial project was executed to the satisfaction of the Executive Board of ROC Zeeland. The total financial year-budget was 65 million Euro, of which 15% is for commercial and subsidy funds and 10% for earmarked funds.
Framing, execution, linking and managing the financial flows within the organization and its subdivisions.
– Project manager steering committee.
– Financial disentanglement of different financial flows.
– Managing the link of different automated software programs.
– Outline all project costs and proceeds per project and per type of project.
– Map current policy concerning projects.
– Frame new policy for all concerning processes.
– Improve the process of budgeting and implement the new budget-fund of commercial activities.
– Council the concern controller and the Executive Board.

2009 – 2010: Lecturer Successful coaching (1 evening a week) – Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Develop and lecture program for students that want to become a successful coach in either business, sport or politics.

Sep 2009 – Jan 2011: Researcher and participant sounding board NDiV trade agreement – Syntens & KVGO
In the collaborative research of Syntens (economic stimulation agency of the Dutch government) and the KVGO (Royal Union for Printing Industries), a sounding-board was formed to oversee and help the research(goals). After the current situation was presented to a larger interest group, the conclusions following from this interest-group were used to further stimulate the use of ICT in the printing industry.
Researching the current situation of ICT use in the printing industry, presenting to the interest-group, consult the industry as a member of the sounding-board and help create conclusions for Syntens and the KVGO.

May 2009 – May 2009: Organizer and facilitator workshop ‘innovative entrepreneurship’ – Dravik Groep BV
Inspiring the purchasing collective (of 53 companies) with innovations and flexibilities on growing customers demand and writing and pitching distinctive strategies.

May 2009: Debate chairman and organizer debate of European party leader for the elections of 2009

May 2009 – Oct 2009: Mediator and concept creator collaboration agreement – Rodin Dental Clinic
A dental clinic in Rotterdam needed assistance with the synchronization and bargaining of a collaboration agreement. The dentist (also the owner) and an employee (an orthodontist) were looking for possible means of collaboration. They asked for mediation after reviewing the possibilities and discussions.
The objectives and issues of both parties were established through stocktaking discussions. After which proposals were developed and discussed regarding the possibilities for collaboration. Subsequent consultation led to the choice of model, which was drawn up, completed and adjusted so that the collaboration was confirmed formally. Both parties now do not have to worry about unequal objectives and issues.

Mar 2009 – Mar 2009: Keynote speaker workshop “Doing business in China: especially now!” – Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam

Jan 2009 – Mar 2009: Consultant Supervisory Board – Stadswonen Rotterdam
Stadswonen is a large housing corporation for students and youth in Rotterdam. The Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors had a very turbulent year in 2008. It was therefore crucial that the content of the annual report be configured very carefully. Following on from the 2007 report, which both Boards were very happy with, this year’s report need to be configured in the same way taking into account the tact needed on events that occurred in 2008. Naturally, this year’s report must comply with the guidelines for corporate governance prepared by Aedes and the Glasz and Tabaksblat committees.
Advice on the elements to be incorporated in the report to both the Boards. Formulation and preparation of the annual report section of the Supervisory Board according to the corporate governance code stipulated byAedes, Glasz and Tabaksblat. Also an objective sounding board for the Daily Board of the Supervisory Board.

Nov 2008 – Mar 2009: Consultant Strategic Vision – GTSC
Because the chairman of this association was to retire in 18 months, they started looking for an independent Consultant to look into the association’s future prospects. Together with the chairman the best course of action for a healthy survival would be chosen. Advising the Board, researching trends and determining the wishes of the members.

Nov 2008 – Nov 2008: Creator and facilitator City Vision Meeting 2050 – Zwijndrecht Municipality
The municipality of Zwijndrecht started a vision on the future in 2008. To give content to this vision the complete Board of Mayor and Councilors joined a start-up meeting with other (high-ranking) officials to create a number of scenarios based on market research, scientific trends and figures and on own ideas depicted on mood boards, that would serve as a starting point for further substantial consultation on the City Vision for Zwijndrecht in 2050.
Developing and facilitating the meeting City Vision Zwijndrecht Municipality 2050.

Nov 2008: Lecturer Culture, Quality & Creativity – Business School Nederland (BSN)

Jun 2008: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Charlie Aptroot

Oct 2008 – Oct 2008: Consultant and panel chairman at conference for course stipulation – Groen Links Leiden
This political party was stuck organizationally, which lead to unnecessary friction and the results particularly to the (potential) voters failed to materialize. To get the group inspired and fresh again, two half days were cleared to get the group moving and bring back vitality. Advising and leading a conference stipulating the political course and approach in profiling and marketing.

Aug 2008: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Fred Teeven vs. Sybrand Haersma Buma

Jul 2008 – May 2009: Financial consultant and scenario advise project History canon – Stichting Anno
Stichting Anno is promotor of Dutch history. Following the history canon, with the 50 key moments in Dutch history, Stichting Anno develops matching educational material. For this Canon Treasury used in primary schools, a product was designed and budgeted for each of the 50 events. For the calculation and overall planning of costs and approach a consultant was sought. Development of the financial model to reach scenarios. Advise on content and consequences of the possible scenarios, as well as development of scenarios. Reporting final recommendations on further implementation to the new director of the National Historical Museum.

Jun 2008 – Oct 2015: Thesis advisor – IVA Driebergen Business School
Inspire and help students through their struggle of research, writing their thesis and finally towards their graduation. > 50 students.

Jun 2008 – Aug 2014: Lecturer International Business (1 day a week) – IVA Driebergen Business School
Lecturer International Business (sem. 5 & 6) for IVA Driebergen Business School (Private University for Automotive & Management) Also thesis supervisor for several students around the world (sem. 7& 8).

Jun 2008: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Jan Pronk vs. Onno Hoes

May 2008 – Jul 2008: Lecturer Logistic & Workflow management, Staf & Kader – Stivako

Apr 2008: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Mark Rutte

Jan 2008 – Jun 2008: Supervisory Board consultant – Stadswonen Rotterdam
Stadswonen is a large housing corporation for youth and students in Rotterdam. Since 2005 the Supervisory Board follows corporate governance guidelines established by Aedes and the committees Glasz and Tabaksblat. Since the 2006 annual report was reviewed by Aedes and improvements were stated. Stadswonen wanted such improvements to be incorporated in the reporting of 2007. Advising on the subjects to be included in the report from the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors. Drafting and developing the Supervisory Board’s annual report section based on the Aedes, Glasz and Tabaksblat corporate governance codes.

Nov 2007: Debate chairman and organizer of the political cafés with Chantal Gill’ard vs. Arend Jan Boekestijn

Mar 2007 – Dec 2007: Interim manager process construction – ROC Zadkine
ROC Zadkine wanted to implement an organizational change to meet current trends. To give this meaning it was decided to change the functional classification into a geographical breakdown, so a regional director maintains overview of on all courses in a specific area. For completion of this organizational change they were looking for an interim manager at all levels.
Realization of process-oriented organizational change from functional to regional classification, total €10m.
– Drafting of the Management Information System for internal and external control.
– Compiling of the financial overview for the current school year.
– Drafting of the budget for the new Local Education Centre 2008.
– Identification and description of processes for Finance, HRM, and Members Affairs.
– Coaching and (substantive) support for employees during and after the transition.
– Project management for the merging of the offices of 2 Education Centres.
– Process oriented guidance on completing the development of the Shared Service Centre.
– Advising management on deviations on the prognoses.
– Process control and alignment support services.
– Responsible for the correct content of the student system Peoplesoft.

Jan 2007 – Mar 2007: Supervisory Board consultant – Stadswonen Rotterdam
Stadswonen is a large housing corporation for youth and students in Rotterdam. Since 2005 the Supervisory Board follows corporate governance guidelines established by Aedes and the committees Glasz and Tabaksblat. Since the 2006 annual report was reviewed by Aedes and improvements were stated. Stadswonen wanted such improvements to be incorporated in the reporting of 2007. Advising on the subjects to be included in the report from the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors. Drafting and developing the Supervisory Board’s annual report section based on the Aedes, Glasz and Tabaksblat corporate governance codes.

Dec 2006 – Dec 2007: Process leader and consultant Supervisory Board and Board of Directors – Stadswonen Rotterdam
Stadswonen is a large housing corporation for youth and students in Rotterdam. Due to revised guidelines from the Aedes corporate governance, Stadswonen decided to review all regulations and replete the statutes.
Managing substantive modification of the foundation statutes for corporate governance guidelines (Aedes, committee Glasz and committee Tabaksblat). Drafting of new regulations for both the Board and the Supervisory Council, in line with (additions to) the renewed statutes and guidelines for corporate governance. Substantive support for matching the above amendments with the ruling powers of various institutions nomination. These institutions were invited to give up or restrict their lecture entitlement.

Oct 2007: Trainer Theroy of Constraints – Thiemegroep
Thiemegroep is a large group of printing companies. A study trip to Turkey was organized for a selection of talents from all branches of the Thiemegroep, in which various trainers came along to teach and train a specific subject via a workshop. Training Theory of Constraints to ± 50 employees in a workshop through a business game developed in collaboration with MWP Advies.

Sep 2007 – Nov 2007: Lecturer Economy & Logistics, Management – Stivako

Aug 2007: Developer and consultant Financial and Management Information Systems – Blijf Groep
Following on from previous advice, giving substance to the calculation method of client waiting list overviews, indicated care versus realized care and developing and advising on financial processing methods and Management Information.

Apr 2007 – Sep 2007: Consultant, facilitator and policy writer – GGD Nederland
GGD Nederland was experiencing problems with the positioning of the Behavioural Sciences discipline. Various employees were not classified tangibly on paper as well as in practice. For the behavioural sciences discipline there is a very scarce role in various policies and even legislation. As the government is busy developing the Centres for Youth and Family, GGD Netherlands thought it was a good time to position this discipline throughout the Youth Heath Sector and Youth and Family Centres.
Advising, facilitating and writing policies for the Behavioural Sciences discipline.

Apr 2007 – May 2007: System developer (financial) report system – Vrouwenopvang Zaanstreek, Flevoland & Amsterdam
Develop, implement and hand-over the (financial) accountability system for executed care.

Feb 2007 – Nov 2007: Trainer public tender – Mee Twente
As it is possible that in 2008 the Mee-foundations will be obliged to join public tenders, an early decision was made to learn the ins and outs of this method. Training method of public tender in cooperation with Alting Siberg Advies.

Jan 2007: Consultant and facilitator financial quarterly report – Vrouwenopvang Flevoland & Amsterdam
Execute and consult the financial quarte-overview for financial accountability.

 Dec 2006 – Nov 2008: Lecturer Operation Management – Business School Nederland (BSN)

 Nov 2006: Consultant and facilitator waiting lists & quarterly reports – Vrouwenopvang Amsterdam

 Aug 2006 – Nov 2006: Translation and improvement MBA course Operations Management – MJK Instituutti – MWP Advies
Translate and correct the international course Operation Management (Dutch – English).

Jul 2006: Consultant and facilitator financial quarterly report – Vrouwenopvang Felvoland & Amsterdam
Execute and consult the financial quarte-overview for financial accountability.

 Apr 2006: Consultant and facilitator financial quarterly report – Vrouwenopvang Felvoland & Amsterdam
Execute and consult the financial quarte-overview for financial accountability.

 Sep 2005 – Oct 2005: Consultant strategy & marketing of media and publishing – Global Dutch
Consult the CEO on strategy and marketing for launching a new magazine called Global Dutch.

 Jun 2005 – Oct 2005: Interim project leader ISO certification – KOAC NPC
KOAC-NPC, specialist in advice and research of roads and materials wanted as a post-merger company the integrated business units to meet ISO 9001-2000 standards urgently and were looking for a consultant that could fulfil this task immediately. Following the advice given by MWP, Firm in Enterprise™ was approached for this assignment. The result was a number of documents of sufficient quality including described procedures, job/employee-roll matrix, form book and general manual that started off the certification process for ISO 9001-2000 and was achieved at the end of 2005.
Managing project for the implementation of ISO 9001-2000.

 Feb 2005 – Nov 2005: Project leader reorganization output funding – Vrouwenopvang Amsterdam
At the end of 2004 the Women’s refuge Amsterdam heard that they were to become a recognized institution from 2005. This meant that for the first time the Women’s refuge has the right to funding from the AWBZ. To be able to make a claim for funding, a substantiated request needed to be submitted by the end of the year. Together with Alting Siberg Advies a large-scale project was set up through which the institution was entirely focused on output. Initially, an estimate was made of the production based on a specific mathematical model developed by Firm in Enterprise™. With this a first AWBZ budget was made for 1.5 million Euros. After obtaining the first AWBZ funding the organization was redesigned based on the output funding requirements.
After this the focus changed to the necessary production accountability. Firm in Enterprise™ developed, implemented and supervised a specific registration system for this institution. The system registers the production registration of all employees per product, per activity and per customer, thus creating a reliable financial report that can also be used as a Management Information System (MIS). The report can be split per funding (AWBZ or WMO). The institution now works completely via output control using the Management Information System. The reports from the registration system have led in part to an additional funding of 150.000 Euros.
Project leader of organizational switch from input to output controlled method.

Dec 2004: Developer cost price system – SMO Breda e.o. & Stichting Vakenhorst
After deciding to claim funding from AWBZ both the Valkenhorst institute and the Social Shelter Breda (SMO Breda) needed to set up a cost system to integrate the professionalized way of working with the way of reporting. The cost system was developed and implemented together with an accountant and Alting Siberg Advies.
Developing a new cost system for processing financial data.

Sep 2004 – Feb 2005: Developer digital business game – MWP Advies bv
For the digitization of a paper-based business game, developed by MWP Advies, in collaboration with a software developer, develop various phases for the simulation of the paper-based game.

Sep 2004 – Jan 2005: Developer financial analysis model – SMO Breda e.o.
On an amicable basis for two large social institutes SMO Breda and Valkenhorst, the needed care was mapped. This information was used in negotiations with the Administration Offices and also serves as management information for the allocation of people and recourses. The analysis model that was specifically developed for this situation together with the negotiations contributed to an increase in funding of more than 200% compared to the old situation. After this the redevelopment of the company was set in motion. The result is an organization that operates entirely according to the principles of output funding. This includes the compilation and quality of the health records, the registration of client contact hours and taking into account the possibility of transferring this administration to an integral software package. Data from this registration was sufficient to substantiate the negotiations with the financer after the first year.
Developing and implementing an analysis model for the financial processing and justification as well as for negotiations with the Administration Offices.

Jul 2004 – Sep 2004: Project leader and consultant implementation output funding AWBZ – SMO Breda e.o.
On an amicable basis for two large social institutes, SMO Breda and Valkenhorst, a report was provided for necessary changes in the organisation based on indications from the CIZ and the product book. This institute faced problems with accountability towards the funder retroactively and with setting up a registration system for accountability of activities and the necessary documentation of this. The intervention resulted in a output oriented organisation, a registration system through which sufficient information was provided towards the funder (including retroactively) and a clear view of the allocation of people and resources and a vision for the future of the business. Setting up a product book and advising on organisational structure from input to output funding

Jul 2004 – Aug 2004: Developer business game – MWP Advies bv
In order to use a business simulation game for in-company training courses and at Business School Netherlands, the first version of the business simulation game has been improved. The game provides insight into the actions of employees in relation to the different roles and processes in an organization. The game is now used for advice at various business locations. The game is also used as part of the curriculum of Business School Netherlands in various countries around the world.

May 2004 – Jul 2004: Project leader analysis of logistic process article flows – Westland Orthopedie
The article flows of Westland Orthopedics did not go as desired. A project group is appointed to gain insight into the logistics flows and to provide advice on the basis thereof. The project group investigated the current flow of the articles, followed by an investigation into the most desirable situation. The difference between the ‘ist’ and ‘sol’ situation was then analyzed and provided with advice to achieve the desired situation. It was also decided in consultation with the client to implement some advice. The result was that the improper flow of items was prevented, and the physical stocks matched the warehouse inventory system again. Stock points in the organization have also been analyzed and structured. In addition, some other deviations were identified and immediately included in the solution of the problem.

Apr 2004 – Feb 2005: Facilitator and content consultant strategy conference – Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland
Since the board of directors and its administration no longer had a clear view of what steps to take to be of optimal assistance to the refugees, an extensive strategy conference of six sessions with all stakeholders was required. The result was a restoration of overview that lead to a decision on what the organization wants in the future and a position in the upcoming changes in the environment. By including employees in the sessions, the support of strategic decisions was safeguarded directly. Facilitating an extensive strategy conference.

Apr 2004 – Oct 2004: Developer and trainer internal auditing course HKZ – RAV AZG
RAV AZG wanted to be HKZ certified by the end of 2004. To meet the requirements various employees must be able to carry out internal audits. However, they needed to be fitted out for this. Through this course the employees were equipped to carry out internal audits independently. The course resulted in a sufficient number of well-trained internal auditors and a HKZ certificate within the set timeframe. Developing auditing course and training ± 15 employees for HKZ.

Apr 2004 – Dec 2004: Developer and facilitator work conference strategic vision development – POB-Groep
For the association of Private Orthopaedic Companies a work conference was developed and held to get the 20 delegates to work together. The POB-group already existed for a few years but as an organisation was in a deadlock. The work conference lead directly to a widely supported scenario with regard to further cooperation on tactical and strategic level in order to offer a counterweight to the continuous competition from major players.
Developing and facilitating a work conference for strategic vision development regarding cooperation.

Apr 2004 – May 2005: Project leader developing software package for formation calculation – MWP Advies.
To use as a tool with customers, MWP Advies wanted to capture its own developed idea in a software package in order to be able to make flexible formation calculations. The program was devised and developed in collaboration with an automation company. Although the package ultimately enabled calculations between staff formations and their actions at different levels, so that an overview could be generated per period of the optimal distribution of deployable personnel, it was decided not to use the package.

Mar 2004 – Feb 2005: Consultant for organizational renewal – MWP Advies.
Consultancy firm for business, government and healthcare, various clients in profit and non-profit.